Desire for better defined looking?
It's not the eyelids that matter, but
the pretty eye shape


force to open

Flat impression
even after surgery
Double eyelids give the illusion that the eyes are large,
ptosis correction is a procedure that increases the force lifting the eyes, making them bigger and clearer.
What we want is distinct and pretty eye shape
Blurry, stuffy-looking eyes
to make you look beautiful with eye opening muscle correction
ptosis correction

Be&Me's ptosis correction increase the exposure of the pupils by enhancing the upper eye muscles, which results in improvement of eye shape defined.
The difference in beauty is depending on how exposed the pupils are!

The fact that if the strength to lift the eyelids is weak, it is useless to have double eyelids.
The difference in beauty depends on the degree of exposure of the pupils and the shape of the eyes
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The most important thing is accurate ptosis diagnosis

Based on the strength of the muscles lifting eyes and the degree of eye exposure
Diagnosis whether pseudo or true ptosis and conduct customized surgery
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Tricky muscle correction for clear eyes

Shortening muscles precisely to suit an individual's eye condition requires a high level of skill.
Be&me exposes much more black eyes with elaborate and demanding muscle correction
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eyelid fat removal, make eyelid thinner

Makes eyelids in optimal condition for pretty eye shape
In case of fatty eyelid, unnecessary fat removal can be executed to improve your eye shape.
Tricky ptosis correction
0nly 30 minute is enough to be prettty
appx. 30 min.
fast accurate surgery
minimal tissue
quick & comfortabe recovery
minimal bruising and swelling
surgery on weekend return to work on Monday
Ptosis correction recommended to those who

looks sleepy due to weak eye muscle
sagging eyelids overlapping the pupils
Even though I have double eyelids, I look blurry.
I am using muscles around forehead and eyebrow when I open eyes.
pseudo ptosis with mild eyelid sagging
Less age and less fat on the eyelids