The safest and
most natural breast surgery

Burden of scarring and
long recovery incision surgery

Implant side effects
Concerns about capsular contracture

More natura
lthan artificial
More and more people want naturally voluptuous breasts to the soft touch rather than excessive volume.
Be&Me HarvestJet II, Through a safe procedure, you will create beautiful breasts.
HarvestJet II
autologous fat grafting breast augmentation

Be&Me Autologous fat breast augmentation is conducted through the method of waterjet which spray water to isolate and
extract fat cells without damage, and then transplanting the filtered pure fat into the breast.
Fat engraftment rate about 70%
longer fuller, beautiful breasts

The result of autologous fat surgery depends on the engraftment rate.
The HarvestJet II uses a jet of water to safely absorb fat while minimizing damage to fat cells and reducing damage to surrounding tissues.
The inhaled fat is removed from impurities through double filtering,
and only pure fat is extracted and transplanted, increasing the engraftment rate to 60~70% to create fuller breasts.
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Liposuction gently without damaging fat cells

The biggest advantage of autologous fat breast surgery is that it increases the safety of the procedure and the engraftment rate of fat together.
The 0.9mm fine cannula minimizes nerve and blood vessel damage,
making it safe after the procedure with almost no scarring or side effects.
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slimmer body and fuller breast

Autologous fat breat surgery sucks fat from areas where you have a lot of fat, such as abdomen and thighs.
Due to this, you can achieve the effect of slimming the body line that you usually suffered with.
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Shape, volume, texture beautiful breasts in every way

Beautiful breasts should all be harmoniously matched in shape, contour, volume, and texture.
Our medical staff has 20 years of rich clinical experience designing natural breasts.
Techniques of medical professionals working with equipment

Engraftment rate Elevation is only possible with a combination of good equipment and the skilled techniques of the medical staff who handle it.
Representative surgeon of Be&Me Jung-min lee, as a authorized Key Doctor(KEY DOCTOR) of HarvestJet II, deliver safer and more reliable results.
capsularis care for faster recovery & effectiveness

capsulartis is a device that promotes blood circulation through ultrasound irradiation to stabilize soft tissues and help rapid recovery.
After liposuction, capsulartis care can provide a more satisfying effect.
Autologous fat breast augmentation recommended to those who

want naturally voluptuous breasts
want a breast procedure that is safe from side effects
When implant breast surgery is burdensome
want to lose weight in the abdomen, buttocks, or thighs
want long-lasting autologous-fat breasts
Safe surgery & skilled clinical technique
Be&Me revision mammoplasty System